Stunning Videos Shows Man Mishandling and Stifling Kids—Stunning!

Youngsters should be cherished and administered to. They require direction and assurance, particularly from their folks. Tragically, there are guardians out there who hurt and mishandle their youngsters as a method for "teaching" them. A large number of kids the world over kick the bucket from consistent misuse from their folks and watchmen. This needs to stop!

A progression of aggravating recordings shared on Facebook, a man can be seen tormenting and manhandling two young men extremely, that numerous netizens couldn't complete the said recordings. In one video, a kid was being stifled while a man's voice can be heard out of sight. The kid was crying and panting for air as the man kept on stifling him.

In another video, a man accepted to be the father, holds two young men topsy turvy and dunks them into a drum loaded with water. They can be heard crying and shouting as they were being dunked over and over.

Facebook client Siti Nur Suhada Ayub inscribed the post "Dear God… Mellow the heart of this man. With the goal that he turns into a decent father and brings up his kids to be great. Also, not resemble what he is doing here".
