This man has demonstrated that affection know no separation. A Dutch flew the distance from his country to China just to meet the young lady he met on the web.

The hashtag "Remote man went to Changsha to meet his online sweetheart" inclined in smaller scale blogging website Weibo in China that lead the sad romantic tale of a Dutch man and the Chinese lady that he met online to be known around the world. 41-year-old Alexander Pieter Cirk flew 4,500 kilometers over the globe to meet the young lady who got his heart.

As indicated by news, the Dutch was seen sitting tight for a few days in the airplane terminal at Hunan area in China planning to see the affection for his life named Zhang, a 26-year-old Chinese lady he met on the web. The two have been talking for two months and later chosen to get together at the air terminal. Lamentably, it appeared that Cirk was the stand out genuine about the get together.

After touching base at the air terminal, Cirk sat tight for 10 long days and simply made utilization of the airplane terminal's offices for him to make due until depletion hit him. At to begin with, he was reluctant to be taken to the healing center expecting that Zhang would arrive at any point in the near future.

Cirk was released last Tuesday (Manila time) and flew back to his nation without meeting Zhang. Later, Zhang reached Chinese media to disclose why she neglected to appear at the airplane terminal. As per her, she didn't felt that Cirk would be not kidding coming to China just to meet her and amid the days when Cirk sat tight for her, she was having plastic surgery in another area and wasn't possessed the capacity to check her telephone.

Regardless of the grievousness, Cirk and Zhang are as yet staying in contact and plan to meet each other after they recuperated.
